Are you living in fear? Women’s Aid in Luton provides safe accommodation for women and children escaping domestic abuse. We are here to help you live the life you deserve.

Telephone Helpline

You can call our helpline on 01582 391856 for free and confidential advice and support. Our helpline opening hours are Mon-Fri 10am – 5.00pm.

How can I access the refuge?

Phone our telephone helpline for advice on how to access emergency accommodation.

It’s an emergency? Please Dial 999

Refuge Accommodation

We provide emergency safe accommodation for women and children feeling domestic abuse, with tailored support for the women and children in our care. You will be supported by a refuge worker who has specialist knowledge of the effects of the domestic abuse you and your children have suffered. These experienced workers can provide practical & emotional support, advocacy and guidance, and will provide  a person-centred confidential support plan that enables you to identify your needs such as housing, welfare and employment.

Community Outreach

We also provide outreach support within the local community. We offer information, guidance and advocacy on issues around the impact of domestic abuse. If you’d like to speak with one of our specialist staff please contact our helpline who can help to arrange this.

Children’s Service

What about my children?

WAIL recognises the effects of domestic abuse on children. We understand the confusion that children leaving their homes may feel.

Our specialist children’s support workers will help you to support your children and enable them to settle into the refuge. They also organise play sessions, group work and family outings.

The happiness and welfare of all children staying in our refuges is our priority. We have recently introduced a  Children’s Handbook which has been created in partnership with children who have stayed with us. All our refuges have access to toys, books and creative play equipment for a wide variety of age groups.

Culturally Specific Service

I do not have English as a second language, how can I access support?

WAIL’s culturally specific accommodation provides space for women and children from South Asian cultures.

The support staff at this project are conversant in the most prevalent South Asian languages used in Luton and are also sensitive to issues in the community arising from Forced Marriage, so called” honour” based violence and insecure immigration status.


What about when I leave the refuge, will I still be supported?

Your support worker will continue to provide support and guidance locally for a specified period of time when you move on from the refuge.