Eligibility Criteria
- Women from all communities and backgrounds over the age of 16, with or without children fleeing domestic abuse from partners, ex partners or family members including Forced marriage, so called “honour” based violence and Women from the BAMER communities with insecure immigration status (limited to two at any one time)
- Male Children with their mums up to and including the age of 14.
- We accept women with low level substance misuse and mental health issues.
- Unfortunately we do not currently have access to wheelchair users.
- Self Referral
- Agency referral – voluntary or statutory
Referral/ Application process
By Telephone to Women’s Aid in Luton 01582 391856
A referral form will be emailed or faxed to the referring agency or in the case of self referral the form will be filled in by the support worker.
Assessment Process
The referral will be discussed by two workers to ensure that it meets the eligibility criteria.
All referrals are assessed on an individual needs basis to establish whether the woman will benefit from what our service has to offer and whether her support needs can be met.
In the event of more than one referral being made at the same time, priority will be given to the woman with the greatest support needs.
The referring agency will be informed of our decision.
If a referral does not meet our service criteria we will endeavour to signpost to a more suitable service to meet client needs.
Women’s Aid in Luton run a culturally specific service with a particular focus on support for honour-based violence, Forced marriage and insecure immigration status. The refuge staff at this service speak Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi and Hindu